Black Panther actor, Atandwa Kani took to social media to vent his frustrations over the recent brutality, injustice and inequality that people of colour have been subjected to.
In a very angry post, the actor who played the role of King T’Chaka in the popular movie made his displeasure known at the recent rise in racist attacks and comments.
The Black Panther actor wrote that he was tired of the inequality that pervades the world, the injustices often meted out to people of color around the world.
He wrote:
“Dear white people: F*** your discomfort! F*** you and your entitlement (whether you understand it or not) … F*** all of you who fight to be the owners of any land: you rogue, homeless, evil, inhuman, useless pieces of spiteful a**h****. Take offense! I dare you satan!” he tweeted.
Atandwa explained that the hurtful, racist actions of these people have hurt and angered him, because “black and brown” people have never even “wanted revenge over equality, fairness and respect for our lives”.
The Black Panther actor added that the lack of a desire for revenge by the same “black and brown” people was slowly changing.
“Black and brown people in the divided States of white America, SA and all around the world, have never wanted revenge over equality, fairness and respect for our lives. That is quickly being altered by the racist ignorant white inhuman beasts with no hearts,” he said.
“Dear racist white people: F*** you! I refuse to be one of the many black men and women shown a video being killed … Racism should be illegal”
To white people who don’t like any black & brown people: you’re entitled to your opinion (as long as its well informed and educated [which I highly doubt]..) just leave us alone. We don’t like you either. Trust me, you don’t want us to put ALL our efforts into getting rid of you.
— Atandwa Kani (@AtandwaKani) June 24, 2020
Evil white people who don’t recognize our rights to be seen, heard, speak, have families, friends, cars, jobs, privacy etc etc etc etc! … To you, I say, I will not rest until you feel the same ; IF THIS EVIL DOES NOT STOP.. We can only take so much..
— Atandwa Kani (@AtandwaKani) June 24, 2020
When the shoe is on the other foot & the tables are turned: Those white people will limp, squirm, holler like kicked dogs and act like the “Victim”.. I’m tired of being in a world where I’m told & shown, every SINGLE FUCKING DAY, I don’t belong in..
— Atandwa Kani (@AtandwaKani) June 24, 2020
(C) Control TV 2020.