The economic community of west african state ecowas has suspended one of its members with immediate effects.
the african regional body said this in a statement today, that mali is now restricted from membership of its decision making bodies.
the step according to ecowas is to stop the on-going mutiny within the malian armed forces where the president boubakar keita and the primeminister are being detained by the army.
ecowas has noted with great concern the seizure of power by malian
military putschists saying the actions has a negative impact on peace and stability in mali and the sub-region which has been on for the past two months.
ecowas has issued the immediate closure of malian borders as well as stop all economic, trade and financial flows and transactions between ecowas member states and mali, in an effort to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.
ecowas categorically condem the overthrowing of president ibrahim kéita’s democratically elected government, and has denied any kind of legitimacy to the putschists. it also demands the immediate reinstatement of the constitutional order while reminding the military of their accountability for the safety and security of president ibrahim boubacar kéita and officials arrested.
Read Statement Below:
(C) Control TV 2020.